Monday, March 5, 2007

The Ten Commandments of Halo Fanfiction

Basic guidelines that I think would be a good thing to have or to do in a Halo Fan Fiction, and what not to do.

  • Try and Keep the "Elite Personnel" To a Minimum or Make them Stick Out- I was talking with the HBO Forums and they were right, sometimes you may need the Elite Special Forces to show the other side of the story but try to keep them to a minimum. Yet just saying there are too many Fanfics out there and you may just become one of the crowd...
  • Keep it believable- a wounded soldier takes down ten elites with nothing but a combat knife and cigarette. That's not gonna happen.
  • Show all aspects of war before and after, Human, Covenant, Battles or at Home- if a series, make people see everything, make people interact, show a child's point of view, do things that people never thought of.
  • Never Use Clichés- Be original
  • All Stories Have A Beginning, Middle and End- If you start it, by god finish it.
  • Try to keep Halo2 Endings to a Minimum... Heck, No Halo 2 Endings- Try to wrap things up, it's not a bad thing to drop things like they are but trust me, it either pisses off the reader or urges them to read the next. The choice is yours, and a risky choice it is. The better choice is not to do them at all.
  • Make the Character Relatable- Give them emotion, even the Master Chief has problems, give them family, friends, problems, etc.
  • This is Halo- You have over twenty five years of warfare, use 'em, because like Star Wars, Bungie won't be able to fill up all the gaps in the storyline now will they?
  • Be Creative- Characters should be original, add things no one would expect and keep the surprises coming, and make the readers want more.
  • Numbuh 10 Read the Novels- Try and read the books, they give you worlds, numbers, facts alot of things that most would not see if you just played the games. Trust me it helps. And it especially helps if you're going to make new weaponry and if you're making some new types of units.

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