Friday, March 9, 2007

Hard Action Versus Soft Action

This would be called an interesting topic me and my buddies were talking about today.

The difference between hard action and soft action.

Now the terms came up in the middle of the conversation and we got a few odd glares while talking about it but here is how it’s laid down.

Hard Action- the details in fan fiction are extreme when it comes to combat, gore is described with extreme detail.

Ex. Charleston hit the dirt, he could feel his intestines in his hand, and the warmth of them filling his grip, a crimson liquid coated them. His eyes watered, waiting for the end as the shadow approached him.

Soft Action- the details are described are much lower, gore and vivid details on killing are left out or maybe not mentioned at all.

Ex. Charleston hit the cold ground, his body lanced with pain, his hand gripped around his abdomen. Tears filled his eyes and looked up. Waiting for the end as the shadow approached him.

Now notice the two the examples, they are both of the same scene but one shows much more detail in it, getting you intrigued and the other leaves it out. How to use this fiction is a "complicated" choice to make. Some readers, despise hard action, why?

They hate seeing gore, even if it's reading it, and some even say it kills the story as whole. Soft action on the other hand leaves out detail, and everyone enjoys a bit of detail, no matter how small, and sorry folks if someone was being blown to hell, it is interesting to read how he is blown to hell.

So to get down to it Hard Action>Soft Action and keep that in mind while writing the more detail you add the better, it keeps your audience attentive and it makes you form the pictures in their minds and that is what writing should do. If your writing doesn't do that, try and step it up a bit.

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