Monday, March 5, 2007

I love the smell of blogging in the morning... It smells like... Writing.

Well ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Ghosts of Onyx Blog, the name's Pwns... Indiana_Pwns. Or in other words John/ Jin Won/ Jinny by the many websites I'm on. {Go Halo Wars Central!} *cough*

Anyway I'm the writer of Halo Fanfiction, hence the name Ghosts of Onyx, one of the more recent Halo Novels written by our favorite author Eric Nylund. My favorite author anyway. I have read all the Halo novels -more than once I might add- and I write at least a half dozen short stories a month and I'm trying to complete a long length novel about a pair of marines from a unit I made myself.

So let me get to the point... Or points.

I know many of you don't like advice on how to write your stories or how they should be written. But here, if you want to read, I'll provide help, a constant updated story (Only for this blog), and the TEN COMMANDMENTS OF WRITING HALO FANFICTION. *Lightning flashes in the background* There are good writers out there, but some of you are horrible ones -no offense, but there is potential in you to give you a polite nudge in the right direction.

And one more thing.

Thanks alot to Bungie -you brought me Halo- , Halo.Bungie.Org -one kicka** website- , and the men and women who write fanfiction I enjoy reading every second of the day. Thanks a bunch guys and gals.

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